What Are the Recommended Thermostat Settings?

What Are the Recommended Thermostat Settings

Understanding the recommended settings of a thermostat is crucial for comfort in your home and to save energy bills at the same time. As you optimally set your thermostat settings, be sure that you really save energy use and make your home more comfortable during summer and winter seasons. 

Here at AirMaxx, we make sure that guiding customers with the best advice in order for them to maximize energy efficiency in their households. Below we outline the best thermostat settings for energy savings throughout the year.

Best Thermostat Settings for Energy Savings

This, therefore, underlines the need to operate the best thermostat settings with regard to energy savings so that your house remains comfortable without hiking your energy bills. According to the US Department of Energy, 78°F (26°C) is recommended for times when you are awake and present during summer. This gives a comfortable temperature between a comfortable experience and energy efficiency to prevent overworking of an air conditioning system.

Recommended thermostat settings that can help save energy during winter include setting the thermostat to 68°F/20°C when you are home and awake. These lower temperatures cut heating costs dramatically but are still comfortable enough for most people.

Thermostat Settings for Summer

The secret to energy-efficient thermostat settings during summer is not making your system work too hard. When you are home, set your thermostat to 78°F (26°C). When away, raise the temperature 7-10°F for extra savings. That way, it won’t kick on unnecessarily, which wastes money on cooling.

Summer Thermostat Settings

  • When You’re Home: If you’re home, then set it at about 78°F, or 25°C, the magic setting that balances comfort and energy efficiency.
  • When You’re Away: Raise the temperature to 85°F-88°F or higher for energy efficiency.

 Thermostat Settings for Winter

It’s equally important to have energy-efficient thermostat settings in the winter. Set your thermostat to 68°F (20°C) only when you’re home and awake. For extra savings, you can raise your thermostat setting by 10-15°F when you’re sleeping or away from home. By following these recommended thermostat settings, you can save up to 10% a year on heating and cooling costs.

Winter Thermostat Settings

  • When You’re Home: Set your thermostat to around 68°F [20°C]. This is generally a comfortable setting and energy-efficient.
  • When You’re Away or Sleeping: Reduce the heating to around 60-65°F [15-18°C], if possible, and you will save on heating costs.

Recommended Home Thermostat Settings

Whether summer or winter, below are suggested settings for home thermostats that will keep your living space comfortable without waste. The trick is to keep a constant temperature and then adjust it slightly according to your daily schedule. Programmable thermostats can also handle a lot of the work for you, so you can come into a cozy home at just the right temperature and save money in the process, too.

Additional Tips

  • Programmable Thermostat: Programming your thermostat can help automatically raise or lower the temperature when you sleep or when you are away from home. 
  • Consider Smart Thermostats: These gadgets learn your schedule and preferences over time, and can automatically make changes to optimize comfort and energy savings.
  • Cut for Humidity: During summer, high humidity may make you feel even warmer, so you will need to set your thermostat a bit lower. During winter, low level of humidity will make you feel cooler and so you may set it a little higher.

For every degree you raise your thermostat in the summer or lower it in the winter-8 hours, you are able to save up to 1% on your energy bill.

How to Set Thermostat for Energy Savings

Setting your thermostat for energy savings is easier than it seems. First, you will want to take that initial step of investing in a programmable or smart thermostat. These devices are programmable, automatically adjusting the temperature depending upon whether you’re home, asleep, or away. 

As a general rule of thumb: during summer months: If you are home, set your thermostat at 78°F (26°C). If away, turn it up to 85°F (29°C). During winter months: If you are home set your thermostat at 68°F (20°C). If away, turn it down to 60°F (15°C).

Optimal Thermostat Settings for Comfort

While energy savings is key, comfort can’t be sacrificed either. The best thermostat setting in terms of comfort is based on your preference, of course. However, temperatures near 78°F in summer and 68°F in winter are commonly a sweet spot for the perfect balance. If this temperature is too warm or cool to you, try moving the thermostat up or down one or two degrees until it is comfortable to you and you are at an energy-efficient level.

How to Set Your Thermostat to Save Money

Setting the thermostat at recommended settings can help you achieve that goal. When considering some minor adjustments and combining these modifications with a programmable thermostat, it goes a long way. Remember that up to 3% savings on the bill may be obtained simply with each degree adjusted.

Contact AirMaxx to Schedule a Service

By following the recommended settings for the operation of the thermostat in summer and winter seasons, and installing either a programmable or smart thermostat, you get an ideal mix between comfort and efficiency.

For other tips on how to maximize your home’s energy efficiency, or to book a service for your HVAC, call AirMaxx today at (619) 655-3010. We look forward to assisting you in remaining comfortable, year-round, while lowering your energy bills.

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